trustfall 0.4.0

The trustfall query engine, empowering you to query everything.
# Trustfall Trustfall is a query engine for querying any kind of data source, from APIs and databases to any kind of files on disk — and even AI models. ## Try Trustfall in your browser The Trustfall Playground supports running queries against public data sources such as: - the HackerNews REST APIs: - the rustdoc JSON of top Rust crates: For example, [this link]( shows the results of the HackerNews query: "Which GitHub or Twitter users are commenting on stories about OpenAI?" In the Playground, Trustfall is configured to run client-side as WASM, performing all aspects of query processing (parsing, compilation, and execution) within the browser. While this demo highlights Trustfall's ability to be embedded within a target application, it is of course able to be used in a more traditional client-server context as well. ## Examples of querying real-world data with Trustfall - [HackerNews APIs](./trustfall/examples/hackernews/), including an overview of the query language and an example of querying REST APIs. - [RSS/Atom feeds](./trustfall/examples/feeds/), showing how to query structured data like RSS/Atom feeds. - [airport weather data (METAR)](./trustfall/examples/weather), showing how to query CSV data from aviation weather reports. Trustfall also powers the [`cargo-semver-checks`]( semantic versioning linter. More details on the role Trustfall plays in that use case are available in [this blog post](